A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Jargon Description
National Research Ethics Service

The National Research Ethics Service is the core function of the Health Research Authority and provides help and leadership for NHS Research Ethics Committees (RECs) by coordinating the development of operational and infrastructure arrangements in support of their work.

National Screening Committee

The UK national body that advises on screening programmes within the NHS. The National Screening Committee is an important policy customer of the NETS programmes.


We are needs-led because we assess the important questions and the priority, they should be answered in. We actively ensure that our programmes meet the needs of decision makers. We ensure that we are needs-led throughout the funding pipeline, by actively assessing need and priority for all funding streams.


Within each ‘place’ there are several neighbourhoods, which cover a smaller population size of roughly 30,000 to 50,000 people. They often focus on integrating primary, community and social care through multidisciplinary teams and joint working arrangements. Neighbourhoods are therefore key to the NHS’s commitment to deliver more care as close to home as possible.

NETS Programmes

NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies programmes; a suite of NIHR programmes funding clinical trials and other studies relevant to the NHS and public health.

NHS Clinical Commissioners

This is the membership organisation of clinical commissioning groups. Their job is to help get the best healthcare and health outcomes for their local communities and patients. In Essex there are five clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) as follows; Basildon and Brentwood CCG, Castle Point and Rochford CCG, Mid Essex CCG, North East Essex CCG and West Essex CCG

NHS Permission Letter

A Letter confirming that NHS Permission has been given and the study can commence. Similar terms are used for the permission letter issued in other UK countries.

NHS R&D Office

The responsible person/team acting on behalf of the organisation in matters relating to R&D management. The NHS R&D Office may delegate some of its functions to other parties.

NHS Research

NHS research is research carried out in the NHS or funded by the NHS. This includes research that takes place in local hospitals or GP surgeries, and larger studies commissioned by the NHS at a national level, for example, a study based in a GP surgery looking at people’s experience of long-term chronic pain, a randomised controlled trial to look at the best treatment for people with bowel cancer.


The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommends which treatments should be provided by the NHS. NICE makes extensive use of evidence generated by the NETS programmes.


Condition which cuases patient to wake up during the night to urinate.