Course Description
This online learning course is about using effective and high impact communication skills. It has been commissioned by NHS England as part of a programme of training for PPV partners and NHS England staff members working with them
Module 1: General communication principles when working remotely
This module introduces how we can communicate well when working remotely. It is important to recognise that working remotely has its own unique factors for consideration and techniques for use.
Module 2: Participation in online and virtual meetings
This module introduces online and virtual technology for effective meetings and inclusive decision-making. It is important to explore the different types of virtual communication options and best practice within these, working through the module will acknowledge the challenges as well as identifying how to make this type of communication successful and accessible.
Module 3: How to influence and high impact communication
This module introduces methods to ensure that our communication can influence and have an impact. It is important to be able to recognise where we want to influence and how to do this to ensure our experience and knowledge has an effect.
Who is it for?
This course is aimed at partners and volunteers who work regularly with NHS England employees
NHs England employees who have an interest in this area and/or who want to develop their knowledge and skills further
Learners will be expected to complete evaluation feedback after working through the course Type of learning: e-learning course
Duration: 30 mins
How to apply
To register, please contact