Course description
To live a life free from abuse and harm is a basic human right. This course develops an understanding of safeguarding and the role of all people working within the health environment in identifying, working with and protecting vulnerable adults.
The Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Partner Policy, August 2017 states that all new partners and volunteers working at level 4 should undertake mandatory training of up to 3 courses as identified in their recruitment pack:
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Information Governance
Existing partners should ensure they have completed these modules
Who is it for?
This course is aimed at new and existing Patient and Public Voice Partners who are sitting on NHS England boards and advisory groups, NHS England employees who work with partners/volunteers.
Learners will be expected to complete evaluation feedback after working through the course
Type of learning: e-learning course
Duration: 30 mins
How to apply
To register, please contact